PRAISE the Lord of Heaven that John Mehn and Pastor Nakano arrived safely in Sendai. They said the roads in Miyagi Prefecture were quite bad and driving them at night was scary but God brought them safely through.
Today the Kokubunji Church Team is going to work in Ishinomaki City. The number of people killed or missing in this city alone equals the number killed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake. The Team has divided into 3 groups. PRAY for compassionate and listening hearts as one group makes and serves miso soup. PRAY for safety, strength, and opportunities to relate to those who have lost so much as a second group cleans up houses. (John Mehn, Converge Worldwide missionary, is in this group.) PRAISE God that public showers were donated and PRAY as they are set up today. Japanese are very hygiene conscious so making public showers available is a great blessing.