Transformation is by its nature a continual process by which God redeems his creation from the results of the fall. The reason we believe in transformation is that we have a transforming God. God does not change but he has a plan to transform the entire universe. When we talk about transformation we talk about revival, renewal, restoration and reform.
In understanding this task there are some key belief assumptions. The belief that Scripture is our supreme authority. The belief that Jesus Christ has done everything necessary to restore people to God. The belief that the Holy Spirit works to apply Christ’s work to His people. The belief that the church is God’s prime agency in the world. And the belief that in the gospel of Jesus Christ is the ultimate solution to all of man’s problems.
The purpose of the Gospel of Christ is to renew the entire universe. God wants to take his fallen creation and make a re-creation in people’s hearts. The God of the Bible is very interested in transforming the universe and all people from this a fallen state to a state even more wonderful than the original creation. God transforms the universe through the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ applied by the Holy Spirit through the instrument of His people, the church.
Transformation occurs at several levels. The Gospel transforms individuals from the inside out, one heart at a time. Christ gives us a radically new identity and Christ liberates us. This transforms whole families and eventually the entire society. The gospel creates a new community, the church, which serves as a sign of growing Kingdom of God.
This Transformation includes man’s culture nations and the world. All aspects of culture need to be tested by Scripture and some parts of culture must be transformed to reflect God’s perspective.
Each culture has aspects need transformation or can be used in its transformation.
This transformation begins with everyone reading this. If we want real change and transformation in Japan, if we really want revival, we must be willing to utter the old revival prayer, “Lord, bring revival, let it begin with me.”