Happy New Year! Probably like you, we continue to experience the changes brought on by COVID-19 along with our continuing transition to life and ministry in the US. We love our role changes as non-resident missionaries and movement catalysts. Even the Illinois snow and cold reminds us that we are in a new home. God has much in store for 2022!

Our team is on the move into Asia in a few weeks! Here is a letter written by team member Steve Wilkinson.
The proverb says, “opportunity knocks but once,” so when opportunity knocks, we respond. Another proverb says strike while the iron is hot. God has provided Converge’s Asia Impact Team (AIT) with a strategic opportunity. An Asian people-group (considered a reached group), has requested our assistance to reach the unreached in their corner of Asia. At present, we have an invitation to visit them in February. We hope and pray to begin a process of partnership – including training, coaching and encouragement — that will see many of the thousands of unreached people-groups in Asia hear the gospel for the first time! You can be our partner in this work.
There are two ways we need your help now.
First, we ask you to pray with us for the following matters:
1. COVID complicates travel in and out of the USA and other countries. Pray that we make the necessary plans to ensure successful travel.
2. We have lots of preparations to do before the visit. We will be making various presentations that are designed to stimulate a heart for missions and the unreached. Pray for the team’s current preparations and future presentations.
3. Pray for wisdom to approach this strategic opportunity wisely and correctly.
Second, we ask you to pray for each of us for finances to cover the costs of responding to this great opportunity. Thank you for your generous praying and giving!
Don’t miss another opportunity in Asia! Perhaps you are ready to use your English language skills and bring them into an honored role, teaching basic English in a university setting in China. Specifically, Converge is actively recruiting and praying for five people to commit to serving in a university setting among the Chinese Hui people group by March 2022. If you or someone you know would consider this tremendously exciting adventure with God, contact the AIT team leader David at davidj@converge.org for more details and initial steps.