Yes, we are in the midst of a global pandemic and the US general election is just weeks away, but in addition Elaine and John have anticipated some events over the next few weeks which effect the Kingdom of God. We need your prayers and support.
Being in Two Great Places at Once
(1) Next week for the first time our Converge Asian fields will meet together, for our Converge Asia Conference 2020, October 12-15. Asia is strategic for missions and we will participate as part of the Japan Mission and also the Asia Impact Team. Originally, we were to meet in person but unfortunately due to Covid virtually by Zoom. Please pray for the presentations and the interactions of all participants.

(2) Japan Church Multiplication Vision Festa 2020 October 13-15. If you have been following, the Vision Festa has been growing a group of leaders who believe God will start 50,000 churches in Japan. This year Vision Festa is combining with the Finishing the Task conference an event centered in South Korea. This is a global conference on finishing the Great Commission in each country and each Unreached People Group. Already over 200 leaders from Japan plan to gather on Zoom to learn, pray, and strategize reaching Japan and the rest of the world. John is on the planning team for this event and it is the largest Japanese event for church multiplication each year.
For both events John does not have to make any presentations or have any responsibilities. He will juggle “being in two places at once” as the days and schedules overlap quite a bit. Pray for energy and wisdom. And please pray for the success of both of these crucial events.
John has a New Job Soon
On November 1, John officially shifts his Converge position with the Japan Mission to the Asia Impact Team. For many years, John has been working with a broader scope in Asia. Our Asia Impact Team is based in the US, so we relocated. John will have a new job description, roles, and budget. Several months ago, we wrote our ministry partners about some details of this transition. We need to send everyone an update which has been delayed as there are some last-minute changes in a few details. We hope to have detailed information out next week.