Thoughts Along the Way©
Elaine Mehn
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
The other day I was at the grocery store and saw a little girl throwing a temper tantrum. We probably all have seen a young child in the candy aisle crying and screaming as the mother walks away. I even have been that parent. What struck me about this occurrence was that she was not begging for candy or ice cream or anything sweet. She wanted tofu. (For those living in America this may be one of the last things you would beg to receive.) Although she wanted something very healthy, her mother walked away leaving her lying on the floor kicking her feet and screaming. I continued my shopping so I don’t know how it began or ended.
I don’t know why the mother refused tofu to the little girl. Maybe she already had plenty at home, maybe the little girl was allergic, maybe money was tight, or maybe it was because the little girl had a demanding or manipulative attitude. Whatever the reason, the request was refused not out of malice but knowing what was best.
I hate to admit it but there are times when I fill the role of the little girl before my Heavenly Father. I beg and plead for something that I have set my mind on having. Sometimes this something is good and sometimes it is not so good. What I forget is that God knows what is best and when it is best for me.
When God in His great wisdom and power says, “No,” I need to remember to say, “Thank you” because He is providing His best for me. Can I always do this by my own might? NO. My tendency is the same as the little girl. I am grown up enough not to throw myself on the floor but in my thoughts and prayers the attitude is the same.
I need the Holy Spirit to draw me once again to Christ and to strengthen my love for Jesus that His joy will flow through me and produce the faith I need to trust Him. Sometimes we know how much we are loved not by what we are given but by what we are denied. It takes less effort to give in to a child’s demands. It takes great love to stand firm in giving what is best rather than what is easy.
Prayer: Father, it is so very true that Your ways are not my ways. I see what I think is good and run after it even when You say no. My attitude is not always one of humble, grateful faith but so often is filled with pride and self which turns into demanding-ness. I demand of You and I demand of other people as well. Teach my heart to rest in You even when I don’t understand and especially when I don’t get what I want.