Returning to the US from Japan for Home Assignment always brings with it many adjustments and reverse culture stress. Having lived in Japan nearly half our lives we are more use to living in Japan than the US. This means relearning and adjusting to a few things.
- Drive on the Left –to- Drive on the Right
- Use cash –to- Use credit (except at CostCo)
- Lots of recycling –to- Not so much recycling
- Non-touch/hug culture -to- touch/hug culture
- Walk or use public transportation –to- always use the car
- Open space is a premium –to- lots of open space
- Monocultural community –to- multicultural community
- Megacity of 37 million –to- Smaller metro of 300,000. For those interested in how really big Tokyo is see this webpage 16 Maps Of Tokyo That’ll Make Your City Seem smaller