This afternoon I had a brief instant message chat today with Edie Cummings in Sendai Miyage Prefecture. Cal and Edith Cummings are Presbyterian missionaries in Japan since 1970! That’s 40 years! These dear people have given their lives for the people in Japan. I recall several days ago when I heard through my Facebook page that they had reported that they were both safe. Hallelujahs and praise to God went up in Facebook text. Today I shared about my joy that they were safe and I appreciated hearing reports of their ministry. I told them help is coming and so many people are praying. Edie replied, “Keep praying for a GREAT tsunami [spiritual] revival in this country!” PRAY that Edie’s prayer would be realized.
The Cummings son, Luke, drove one of the early loads of relief supplies to Sendai. Like Luke and his parents there are many other untold heroes just like them all over the country, missionaries, pastors, Christians, young and old, and foreign and Japanese. Please pray for unity of purpose and great teamwork as believers build new communities both neighborhoods and the body of Christ.