Since we last wrote John was put under anesthesia and had his entire left knee replaced. In spite of this interruption and the recovery, both of us are accomplishing much for the King and his Kingdom.
How’s Your Knee Doing?
After three weeks John is able to walk around but still has 3 weeks of physical therapy. God has been so gracious, and it has not been so painful and difficult. John is able to continue in online meetings, keeping in touch, and preparations. Elaine had to help out a lot but has weathered the challenges. Thanks for your continual prayers. We hope he will be very mobile by November as international travel requires much walking.
How’s The Book Coming?
The draft of Japanese as the Unreached People Group went out to the proofreaders and John has received great feedback. He is working on it most everyday and still hopes to have it ready to bring to Japan for the CPI National Conference in November. Pray that would happen.
Trip to Asia

Elaine and John head back to Japan on November 3rd. This will be Elaine’s first trip back since 2020 (John was in Japan briefly in May for about 1 week). John and Elaine will be attending the Church Planting Institute (CPI) conference where both will be presenting in seminars. John will then fly to Bangladesh to take part in the Global Church Planting Network Global Facilitators meeting. Elaine will visit her Bible students and then head home early. John will then return to Japan for the Church Multiplication Vision Festa and arrive in Chicago in time for Thanksgiving.
- Ask God to bless fellow Converge Asia Impact Team members taking John’s place at the Lausanne Asia meeting October 17-21.
- Ask God for vision, wisdom, and faith through the Finish the Task (FTT) Global Consultation October 24-29.
- Praise God for Elaine’s just completed leadership of the adult Bible class at our church and for her ongoing Bible studies.
- Preparations are ongoing for the AIT team to be in Bangkok in January and for the team to be in Manipur India in February.