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Praying in February
- John and Elaine will be speaking at the Village Point Church in Elk Grove, IL this month. Pray for our preparations of our presentations and for everyone’s safety.
- In Japan, for the last two years the Japan Church Multiplication Vision Festa gathered for a national strategy meeting. Many key leaders come together from many locations and church groups to believe God for a national strategy of 50,000 churches (currently less than 8,000). Without God this is impossible. Pray for this year’s online meetings February 23-24.
- John officially began the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course online starting last month through early May. So far it has been very stimulating and encouraging. John anticipates 1) becoming a trainer and presenter to equip new Converge missionaries, 2) resource many of our partnering local churches like yours, and 3) better facilitate individuals interested in missions, especially in Japan and Asia. Pray that John would really master the materials to become this valuable personal resource.
- Since we moved to Illinois, we have been remodeling our 50-year-old house. Just yesterday we started our last phase – the kitchen. So chaos is coming. Post-Covid we anticipate guests from Japan and Asia and we will be ready for them.
- John is preparing for three roundtable discussions at the Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) online conference March 5-6. John’s discussion will focus on Japanese beliefs and evangelism.
- We both anticipate a bright future this year with the easing of Covid restrictions. John, Elaine, and Tim are hopefully receiving Covid vaccinations this month. Also John is anticipating possibly traveling to Ohio and Japan in April.
- Both of us are on Zoom weekly, sometimes daily, teaching, mentoring, coaching, and praying with pastors and leaders. With different time zones these are early morning or evenings. Many leaders want more intensive spiritual mentoring. Pray we would encourage and equip many people.