Prayer October

  1. Thank God for safety and joy in September’s road trip to visit an old pastor friend and theological educator and to the church in Cumberland, Wisconsin.
  2. Thank you for praying for the 5,000 leaders from over 200 countries that gathered in Incheon Seoul, South Korea for the Global Lausanne 4 Conference in late September. God had answered prayer, and we hope to share more in the coming months.  
  3. Our Life Group moved location to the public library in September. That transition went very well. As the library has some events we will be visiting several homes in October. Ask God to bless the group as they move around for a few weeks before returning to the library.  
  4. Thank you for praying for Elaine’s brother, Clyde and his living situation. We spent 4 days with him last month. Home care helpers have come making his situation so much better. Continue to pray for these adjustments.
  5. While John is in Asia, Elaine will have her first ever root canal. Pray it goes smoothly.
  6. The grandkids got off to a good school year. They are doing well in school as well as sports. Now they are transitioning to winter sports.
  7. Continue to pray for the November Japan CPI Conference Renown with a record number registered. Ask for God’s help for those organizing the conference and the over 100 volunteers going.   

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