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Prayer July-August
- Praise God for John’s safe and successful two-week road trip to Colorado for the Leaders’ Summit, REACH Conference, and visiting churches and partners.
- Ask God for blessing, wisdom, and faith as the Asia Impact Team has numerous opportunities, an enormous job, with relatively few to do the work. We need wisdom and God’s guidance. Continue to pray as our team is cultivating connections and planning more trips into Asia.
- John continues to have problems with both his knees. He has found good specialist in determining the problems and avenues of treatment including possible surgery. Pray skill for these physicians and for wisdom about scheduling and travel in the near future.
- Praise to God for helping our daughter complete her final project for her master’s degree. She is done!
- John with his team has planned a trip to Asia in October and November and two more in early 2023. With Covid issues still looming, pray for wisdom in scheduling, planning, purchasing tickets, and preparations.
- We are thankful that the Adult Bible Class at Park Hills Church studying Elaine’s “Grace for Everyday” is going well under Elaine’s leadership. While we are on our road trip others will be leading, so please pray for them.
- John wants to complete his third book on “Japanese as an Unreached People” by the fall. He also wants to finish the publishing process of the Japanese version of Elaine’s “Grace for Everyday” Bible Study. Pray for planning, writing, organizing, and editing this volume.