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Prayer January 2022
- Continue to pray for John and the AIT members as they prepare for the pastors’ conferences in February.
- John has been working hard writing another book on “The Japanese as an Unreached People Group.” Pray for John’s use of time and the endurance to complete this vital writing project early this year.
- Praise to God as we all enjoyed an encouraging visit after Christmas from Elaine’s sister from Kentucky.
- On January 18th, the Japan Church Planting Institute will have an in-person church planting training day. Pray for the attendance and presentations.
- On January 24th, John and Elaine head to Madison, Wisconsin to train a team as they plan to enter Japan as missionaries in the near future. Pray for our preparation, presentations, and our spiritual hearts to be prepared to model and encourage.
- The beginning of the new year brings all ministries to full steam including mentoring appointments, Elaine’s Bible Studies and cooking class, writing projects, ministry networks, and appointments with Asians early mornings or late evenings. Ask God to give us wisdom regarding our schedules, adequate time to prepare, and skill working with so many people.