- Our partnering denomination “The Rengo” had a wonderful 50th Anniversary celebration (Nov 2-3). For us it was good to see so many ministry partners.
- Before and after the CPI Conference we had 9 visitors blessing our home.
- Our Japan Field Council (Nov 26-27) was a great fellowship and planning time.
- Elaine’s Christmas Tea Outreach on November 30th was very encouraging for everyone.
- Short-term Intern Lydia Troe finished her 3 month assignment of children’s ministry, CPI administration, and Japanese language learning.
- In December there are key leadership meetings with CPI and other key people.
- We open our home for a Christmas Party with the Agape Group on Sunday 12/13.
- Several families we know are struggling with cancer treatment at this time.
- We will be in the US again to celebrate Christmas with our families and some business, Dec 16 to Jan 1.
- We will once again experience a Japanese New Year meal on Jan 2nd with the N family.