Pray During May


  1. Registration for October’s CPI conference has opened. We are pleased with the flow of registrations. Pray that God would send us many Japanese along with missionaries.
  2. We had great planning meetings with the CPI Leadership Team and the Serge mission about bringing more intensive renewal training through Grace Weeks in the next two years.
  3. We are making good progress on our various book projects. Elaine’s Thoughts Along the Way devotionals is nearly done in Japanese! Her More Thoughts Along the Way in English is going to be proofread. John’s book on church planting just finished a round of technical editing. Pray it may be done by the CPI Conference in October.


  1. Elaine is fighting a cold. Pray that she recovers quickly.
  2. John will be preaching once and giving three presentations on church planting at the WEC International Mission gathering near Kyoto May 3-4. Pray for a learning heart, energy and good relationships with this great Japan team from a historic mission.
  3. Pray as we round out the speaker lineup for October’s CPI National Conference and set up the over 20 training tracks and seminars. We hope to have this completed in May.
  4. Pray for the US Support Team that is raising up children, media, and office workers for the CPI conference. If you are interested in joining them see their website
  5. Pray for the preparation as Elaine works hard with Mrs. Saito on her charity party on May 22nd.
  6. John has several key meetings with Japanese leaders in person and via Skype throughout May related to Vision Festa (5/12), Rengo Evangelism (5/29-30).

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