July-August Prayer

The Asia Impact Team cancelled our face-to-face meeting but met virtually for several days. Pray for the decisions we have made and future strategic plans to impact Asia.   Pray for the safe completion in the next few weeks of our basement remodel and new roof. Ask God for wisdom about possible future in person visits with churches and leaders.

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Connecting Globally in a Crisis

Continuing Our Adjustment to the US We are safe and well as is everyone we know. We hope you are doing well. Two months ago we relocated to the US and we are in the midst of adjusting during this transition. One book defines transition as “a phase which events and environment alter our roles, relationships, routines and assumptions.” Well in our case, YES to each and everyone. We are experiencing lots of alterations.   …

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June-July Prayer

Ask God to bless the Converge REACH online meeting June 25. May God envision all participants for more Kingdom impact. Later this month we will take a short vacation in a house boat on the Mississippi River. The Asia Impact Team is planning a face-to-face meeting in Orlando July 21-24. Pray about the preparations and the risks related to travel. Ask for wisdom as John is developing Online Church Planting Consultations with National Leaders in…

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US Tour: Home Edition

Three weeks out of the basement – We are both safe and well in the US, just three weeks out of quarantine after our arrival in the US. Everyone we know is also well both in Japan and in the US. In our region in Illinois there are few cases of infection for which we are thankful. Praise God that COVID-19 in Japan has decreased as the emergency orders for 39 of the 46 prefectures…

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Prayer for May-June

Pray for us in May and June Ask God to grant his peace and healing to many effected by this virus. There are many suffering. Also since we have been back, two dear friends we know have lost their wives due to cancer. Ask God to grant wisdom to Japanese churches as they consider holding collective church meetings after the emergency subsides. Pray for our presentations and visits: May 24th – Galilee Loveland, CO; June…

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Assigned to Home

April 2020 Updates from John and Elaine Mehn We are both well and we are safe. We are now in Illinois in the basement of our home. We left Japan last Thursday (4/9) on schedule. We are now in self-isolation for 2 weeks here in our basement as a precaution. We are amazed in God that we were able to complete our move to the US with Plan A on schedule. The Machida house was…

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