Prayer in November

Japan CPI is holding their first Japanese Grace Week Online throughout November. John is serving as a mentor and group facilitator. Pray for the impact on the 80 registrants.   John and Elaine continue in their mentoring, Bible studies, and meetings with people online.   John wraps up this month his RJC course on Starting and Developing Churches in Japan.

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The Next Weeks will be Crucial

Yes, we are in the midst of a global pandemic and the US general election is just weeks away, but in addition Elaine and John have anticipated some events over the next few weeks which effect the Kingdom of God. We need your prayers and support. Being in Two Great Places at Once (1) Next week for the first time our Converge Asian fields will meet together, for our Converge Asia Conference 2020, October 12-15.…

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Japan, Asia, the World

Updates from Japan – Japan has now opened to allow some missionaries to return to Japan. We know many missionaries that have “been stuck” waiting to return. We heard that churches are doing well practicing good health procedures (only one small church had any cases of Covid). Covid rates are now spiking again in Tokyo. Pray for churches to continue to share Christ in this environment. Teaming for Impact 1. The Japan Church Multiplication Vision…

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Adjustments, Touring, Transitions

How are you doing? We hope you are all safe and well. This period of Covid uncertainty and disruption is wearisome, stressful, and difficult. Probably the most difficult is knowing when the beginning of the end might be. May our loving heavenly Father be very real to you in this season.  Our Adjustments to the US  We are both so grateful for God for having us return from Japan in April. If we had remained,…

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More Prayer In SEP/OCT

John begins a class 9/21 lasting for eight weeks with Reaching Japanese for Christ on Church Planting and Development in Japan. Pray for the handful of students to develop knowledge and skills to further the church in Japan. PTL The Ladies Bible Study that stopped because Elaine was unable to find a new teacher restarted last week online with Zoom. Elaine is so thankful and joyous to once again be teaching this group of 6…

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Connecting in Covid

Hello. How are you doing? We are well and safe. We recently had some vacation and are enjoying our new home in Pecatonica, IL. The days are full. Along with adjusting to new life in the US, we continue ministry with people in the midst of Covid. This has led us to many creative approaches. Let us know how we can connect with you. DRIVE-IN CHURCH – In our search for a new home church,…

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