January Prayer

What is God Doing Thank you for praying that we would end 2020 very strong for our financial support. We ended the year well which is a great encouragement heading into 2021 with anticipation of traveling into Asia.   We completed phase 2 of our house remodeling with the upstairs bathroom. The final Phase 3 of kitchen remodeling and chaos begins very soon.   Highlights for Prayer As the global pandemic continues, pray for Japan…

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Born in the USA

We all are doing quite well; and we hope you are doing well. Although the increase in Covid cases is a bit scary like earlier in the Spring, we continue to do what we know we must to stay safe and healthy. Please have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!              We are very conscious of all the adjustments we are making learning to live again in the USA. We were both born…

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Prayer December

Thank God and pray as John just completed another Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) course on John’s first book on church multiplication. He will teach both his books again beginning in April with RJC. We are both adding more people to mentor, teach, and meet with online. Ask God to supply generously financial support as we wind up 2020. Some of you may be interested in giving to our account please go to https://converge.org/missionary/john-elaine-mehn.

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Japan, Covid-19, and SUICIDE

This post is copied by permission from good friends of ours Jesse and Gypsi Town. We feel we could not write a better article on this current topic. “In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020.” Can you believe that? I (Gypsi) had to read this headline from CNN several times before it sunk in. This article came to my attention at the end of a month…

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A Major Milestone

Both Elaine and John have entered a new stage in life. After over 35 years employed by the Baptist General Conference and Converge, Elaine is officially retired. She plans to continue her current ministries as a volunteer without the required reports. John is not retiring but now officially working for Converge Asia Impact Team. This is a change of location (US), change of position, and a change of pace. John made a short video about…

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What is God Doing?

A few weeks ago, we asked you to pray for two simultaneous online meetings. For the first time the Converge Asia Conference was held on October 12-15. Along with global workers on all Asian fields, there were home office personnel, and John’s new Asia Impact Team members. John met many new people and developed some new friendships for partnering for Asian gospel movements in the future.               The Japan Church Multiplication Vision Festa 2020…

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