Blessing to Japan and Asia

BLESSING TO JAPAN   Just a few days ago the Japan Church Multiplication Vision Festa gathered online for a national strategy meeting. Many key leaders came together from many locations and church groups to believe God for a national strategy of 50,000 churches (currently less than 8,000). Reports were extremely exciting as one network has already trained 400 churches in multiplying disciples. That is 5% of all churches in Japan! We also heard several people…

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March Prayer

John is preparing for three roundtable discussions at the Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) online conference March 5-6. John’s discussion will focus on Japanese beliefs and evangelism. We both will be starting another round of spiritual renewal mentoring with a couple in Japan. Pray for us as we start a curriculum that is new to us. We both anticipate getting vaccinated against Covid this month. As an essential worker, Tim has already booked his appointment…

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Towards the New Normal

Your February 2021 Update from John and Elaine.   How are you doing? We both continue to be safe and healthy. Lots of snow here which we are actually enjoying. We went so many years without it and our grandkids love it with sledding and snowmobiling. Again thank you for your prayers, generous giving, encouragement and your interest in our lives and ministries. We hear from many of you often on Facebook and email. We…

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Asia Impact – The Kunming Circle

John has a new assignment with the Asia Impact Team. But Why Asia? Well, Asia is first the world’s biggest continent and Asia is the most populous with 60% of the world’s population. A few years ago, in order for us to understand the task of missions more clearly, a missions researcher developed the Kunming Circle graphic. The Kunming Circle represents the area within 2,400 miles of the city of Kunming, China. Although this covers…

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Praying in February

John and Elaine will be speaking at the Village Point Church in Elk Grove, IL this month. Pray for our preparations of our presentations and for everyone’s safety.  In Japan, for the last two years the Japan Church Multiplication Vision Festa gathered for a national strategy meeting. Many key leaders come together from many locations and church groups to believe God for a national strategy of 50,000 churches (currently less than 8,000). Without God this…

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New Year Hope

Oh, do we thank God for you! For your encouragements, your interest, your friendships, your notes and cards, your support, your generosity, and the most important your faithful prayers for us, our ministry, and the Japanese. As we leave 2020 and enter 2021, we are so thankful for you and what God is doing for all of us. We continue to be well and safe and enjoying the roles God has for us to play…

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