Prayer for June

Ask God to bless the relationships on John’s road trip to Colorado for the Leaders’ Summit, REACH Conference, visiting Churches and partners. PTL for the smooth first trip through Asia in over two years. The airflights actually took John around the world! We were able to navigate the Covid-19 protocols getting in and out of one country, Japan, and the US with visas and permissions.  Ask God for the Asia Impact Team to bless the…

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Back to Asia

After two years of waiting! Finally, John gets to head back to Asia. This month will mean John’s first trip to Asia since the beginning of the pandemic and since we relocated to Northern Illinois in April 2020. FOCUS ON ASIA Visas are received, flights and hotels booked, schedules checked and a bit of packing. Still much training and preaching preparations to continue. John will be gone for about three weeks. Elaine will not be…

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Focus on Diaspora Asians

Let me introduce one of our friends. Pastor Kee Thang is the pastor of the Myanmar congregation of Crosspoint Church in Rockford, IL. John took part in his ordination council last fall and last weekend his congregation celebrated their 10th anniversary! Pastor Kee assists other Myanmar congregations in Milwaukee Wisconsin and Wheaton and Moline Illinois. He also assists many Myanmar pastors with online training. Please pray for him and his congregation as they seek to…

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Prayer in April-May

Please pray for the planning, preparation, flight arrangements and other details for this Asian trip in late April early May. There are always many details to understand and plan. Many online mentoring, Bible study, strategic planning, and other meetings continue for both Elaine and John. Pray as things continue to bust out that John has trips planned to Colorado in June, Pennsylvania & Ohio in July, and several trips to Asia this fall. We asked…

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Ready to Bust Out

It’s been very weird at home the last two days. Both Elaine and I realize that I am actually going to Asia next month. I have waited two years to go, now it is happening and it is a bit hard to believe. Yesterday we had confirmation from our partners in Asia that our team has rescheduled our trip for late April early May. John will also tag on an important trip to Japan on…

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Prayer for March

Please pray for the planning, preparation, flight arrangements and other details for this Asian trip in late April early May. So many moving parts. Especially pray for the visas to enter one Asian country. Also pray for the visas to enter Japan (due to Covid regulations). PRAISE Elaine’s new computer was finally repaired, and she is able to meet online with many in Japan and elsewhere. Pray as things continue to bust out that John…

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