He Will Be Called “J”

Thoughts Along the Way Elaine Mehn She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 I recently received a letter encouraging us as we serve Jesus. I appreciated the encouragement as there are times when I wonder if anyone cares but the letter did not use the name Jesus. Rather it used the letter J. Using “J”…

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Why Japan? The Case for Missions #2

Japan is needy and becoming needier The great Japanese post-war economic experiment has failed, which is leading to untold disintegration in every area of society.  Suicide rates in Japan, affecting even school age children, young adults and the elderly, are the highest in the world.  The divorce rate has climbed rapidly in the last several years.  Many marriages do not last their first year!  Abortions continue to run over twice the rate of the US. …

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Shake, rattle, and roll

Last week there was an earthquake in Illinois (our US home). No reported damage. On April 4th, Tokyo got a 5 point earthquake. Japan is in an earthquake area for several large tectonic plates meet. So 20% of the world’s biggest earthquakes are in Japan. This is relatively close to our home.

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Why Japan? The Case for Missions #1

Why Japan? The Case for Missions Several months ago I was asked by a volunteer short-term worker why Japan was so important compared to Darfur or other needy places. My answer was simple. People without the salvation of Jesus face eternal punishment regardless of where or who they are. This is why missionaries have gone to the ends of the earth, not to civilize people, but to introduce them to the Savior Jesus Christ. But…

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URGENT Need in Japan for Teachers

URGENT NEED IN JAPAN Dear Friends in Christ,    The BGC Japan Mission team would like to thank you for your support of BGC mission work in Japan.  We are celebrating the addition of Lori Harms to our team, and reflecting on the many years of service of the Sorleys as they head into retirement this year. One of the passions of our mission is the education of missionary children (MKs).  Jane Fischer continues to reach…

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