Elaine on Moody Radio in Chicago

Yesterday Elaine was on Moody Radio in Chicago.  A recording of her sharing during a sermon was played as part of the show Chris Fabry Live!  Here is a link to listen to a recording of this 54 minute program.  Several people call in to the show to discuss the topic that Elaine introduces on spiritual renewal. There is also a description on Elaine and the program at the Chris Fabry Live! website. You can…

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California and Japan

Thanks for praying for the Retool Kit training (church mobilization and renewal) in San Francisco last week.  It seems the Rengo Japanese pastors and the Japan Ministry Team in the US will be locking arms to further training for churches in the future.  We will see. I learned a few things about California last week which I thought I would pass on to you. Japan is roughly the same size as California, but Japan has…

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Come over to Japan and Help Us!

Please pray about and consider these urgent needs for short-term English Teachers and children’s workers this fall.1) Church based English Outreach Ministry – Teach English conversation and English Bible studies, conduct camps and seminars through a Japanese church. Length 3 months-2 years. Longer stays will include personal mentoring. The Minami Urawa urgently needs a teacher from late August or early September. Participants must have at least two

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Lost in Tokyo

Thoughts Along the Way© Elaine Mehn But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. John 16:13-14 Map reading in Tokyo is so much different from map…

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