Focus on Financial Support

We are so grateful to you for your financial generosity that permits us serving in Japan and throughout Asia. John serves as a non-resident missionary living in Illinois to equip local Asian leaders to foster gospel movements among Unreached People Groups. Your financial gifts permits us to continue our ministries unhindered and generate into real ministry. We welcome your participation, communication, and questions. Thank you! New Converge Bank: Due to a changing business environment, we…

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Back to Japan

Elaine and John head back to Japan this month. This will be Elaine’s first trip back since 2020 (John was in Japan briefly this May for about 1 week). This trip to Asia will be a full and busy schedule. Probably emotions may be the most difficult as we are going back not to our home of 35 years but to visit as mere tourists. Ask God to help us navigate the various feelings of…

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Preparations for Asia

Since we last wrote John was put under anesthesia and had his entire left knee replaced. In spite of this interruption and the recovery, both of us are accomplishing much for the King and his Kingdom. How’s Your Knee Doing? After three weeks John is able to walk around but still has 3 weeks of physical therapy. God has been so gracious, and it has not been so painful and difficult. John is able to…

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Following HIM

Wow what a lot of changes since we last wrote. Last time we told you about John’s impending knee replacement surgery that upset our plans and schedule. This month brought clarity of where to follow God. Weeks of Writing – John has been working several days each week completing his third book, “Japanese as an Unreached People.” He has lined up several knowledgeable proofreaders who will get the draft copy by Wednesday September 14th. Then…

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Pivoting Again?

We had dropped in to see the orthopedic doctor for my next visit. He showed us the results of the MRI. The MRI was decisive. The doctor commented that he was surprised John was walking at all and not in much more pain. We had only one option, replace the knee joint. We were thankful to God that the decision was clear. We scheduled surgery as soon as possible and anticipated weeks of physical therapy. …

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