OCT Pray for Us


  1. John has recovered from bronchitis. Thanks for your prayers. He was able to train in Hiroshima.
  2. Elaine’s classes are going well. Continue to pray as Elaine makes deep connections with so many Japanese women in her classes. Pray for opportunities to listen, help, and witness for Christ.
  3. We are seeing significant change in the couple we are mentoring in spiritual renewal. Continue to pray for this Japanese pastoral couple.


  1. We submited our applications for renewing our missionary visas. Pray that the process will go smooth.
  2. John preaches again at The Bridge Fellowship church in Shimo-kitazawa Tokyo October 21st.
  3. There are several key events coming up this fall. Pray for Preparation, good registrations, and great influence.
    1. October 16-17 Church Planting Vision Festa in Nagoya. Already over 100 are planning to attend. The maximum that can attend are 200. Pray we have “good problems” of not knowing what to do with all the people. This is all Japanese led, please pray for the leaders.
    2. October 17-18 CPI Urban Church planting seminar in Tokyo sponsored by City to City.
    3. November 6-7 CPI Church Planting “Leaders, Staff, & Team” seminar in Osaka. We are a bit behind in our planning, promotion, and registration. Pray that God surprises us all.
    4. November 13-15 The East Asia Region of Global Church Planting Network will be meeting in Macao China. Other regions throughout Asia will be joining us. John has some significant leadership roles for this event. Pray for him and others who are planning and preparing for this significant event.
    5. November looks super busy for John with 4 trips in 4 weeks! Pray for essential preparations to be completed in October. Also for rest, focus, and the right rhythm.


Thanks for praying for our financial support shortfalls. We have been encouraged by people increasing their regular support and others with special gifts. Though there is a lot of encouragement, we still are a bit short each month. Please continue to pray for this need and whatever you can give now – or maybe before the end of the year – would be appreciated.

  • Personal Support: These funds support our basic living and ministry costs. The online giving link is:converge.org/give/49651.
  • Japan CPI Fund: These funds support special projects to support church planting mobilization and training. Japan CPI fund at Converge is # 31256. Please let us know if you need help.

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