Last week someone inquired where we had moved from. We often simply say “not from around here.” When they really probe, then we tell them of our previous 35 years in Tokyo, Japan. They often nod and say, “yeah, that is certainly not from around here.”

On April 9th we celebrated three years since moving back from Japan. We were forewarned that our cultural adjustment back to living in the US would take about 3 years. Now we kind of feel we are reasonably adjusted to reentry to the US. The Covid pandemic may of helped our adjustment as everything slowed down a bit and we had less interactions with people and the culture. We have been trying hard to “be from around here” in this small village in Illinois of about 2,000 people. We love our new home base here and are making a home and making friends.
We still feel we are making an impact. We feel like there is a cord connecting us each day to Asia. Even while we are in Pecatonica, Illinois we are communicating by the internet, text, email or phone. We often online live with friends in Asia. Lots of prayers too go out from this base in northern Illinois. And of course, we make periodic trips to Asia (more below).
John recently made a short video (1:22) as an update on what he has been doing. You may want to view it and show it in your church or small group. Here is the link to view or download:!AsDHC6rtDRfBh7J3WLfr_k4Mwhoy-A?e=yBxtLc . If you would like to hear John and Elaine in person sharing updates, we will be at Crosspoint Church in Rockford, IL on May 28th.
Next week (April 24-27) our Converge Asia Impact Team will “gather” in person to discuss strategy, planning, opportunities for partnership, team building, prayer, and learning. Thanks for your prayers for the work on the strategy document. This will form much of what we do through our team in the next several years.
John leaves for another trip to Asia in early May. The first stop will be Japan where he will meet up with some leaders and conduct some business. Then on to Southeast Asia (below) and eventually to Taipei Taiwan. At the end of the trip, the East Asia Region of the Global Church Planting Network of about 20 leaders. We will meet for learning, prayer, inspiration, strategizing, and individual country planning. Three leaders from Japan who work on Church Multiplication Vision Festival will join John in Taipei. Pray that these Japanese leaders will leave the meeting with some key planning points for the next few years.
In May John and AIT teammate Pastor Phu Pham and a Converge Vietnamese pastor will travel to three countries in Southeast Asia. We will meet with several leaders and listen to their visions to reach their countries and Unreached People Groups. We will also share our Asia Impact Team purpose and strategy and see if there is alignment for future partnerships.