1) John was recently sitting across the table from a Cambodian pastor that was planting 8 churches and heavily involved in preventing human sex trafficking. Last month, John was in Indonesia to meet with key Asian national leaders engaged in church planting movements. It was a week of blessing with these pastors. John’s friendship with a former Japan missionary led to this connection.
2) For Elaine’s next craft outreach meeting there was a pastor’s wife from another church and several Christians who want to start this same craft ministry. Elaine’s friendship with another local church a pastor’s wife is leading to further ministry.
The longer you are in ministry the more connections you have built with other kingdom-minded people. We love to think how other worker’s ministry needs could be met if they knew some people and their resources. This is the Kingdom. No one gets credit. No one gets served. We all serve Him who served us that many more may meet Jesus and be a vital part of His church. Kingdom-minded networking with other Christians always leads to more evangelism and church planting. Pray as the goal is to form a church planting network for Japan and for the East Asia region. Pray also as Elaine’s ministries can multiply though other leaders in other ministries.