Do you need more grace? Who does not need more undeserved favor, unconditional love, boundless forgiveness, and complete acceptance? The Grace of God is so important to us. Yet often what we know in our head does not live out in our lives. That is what Grace Week is all about, helping our formal theology match our functional theology. CPI had another of these intensive training weeks in May. Elaine presented with John about their “grace story” as well as teaching on repentance. John shared on spiritual intimacy and conflict transformation. Both of us mentored several people. Our highlight was working with the team of mentors and presenters.
This was a smaller group but no less impactful. Well we will let them tell you how Grace Week changed them:
- “Gospel renewal is essential for every part of ministry, especially working in teams of church planting.”
- “What I have learned will definitely enrich my ministry to be led by the Holy Spirit rather than my own effort.”
- “I’ve gained more joy and confidence I understand my inner life better and I am able to have more personal freedom.”
- “Experiencing the father’s forgiveness and being able to extend that to others.”
- “Understanding conflicts role in my life, and God being my shield and defender as I face daily conflicts and misunderstandings.”
- “I’ll be more open to feedback about my flaws.”
- “Grace week has shown me the need that I have to keep coming back to the gospel and God‘s love for me as his son.”
Grace is awesome isn’t it? And it is so wonderful that God has so much unlimited grace for each of us. We are so glad to not only teach but again (and again and again) learn about grace.