I have suffered significant loss in the last year. One year ago, April 14th, my mother passed away. I am very grateful that she had a great life, died well, and knew Jesus and is now in heaven. She is still missed. My father died in 1991 so much of my time in Japan has been away from my mother. I used to call her every Saturday which I miss very much. She was always supportive and extremely proud of me as well as Elaine and kids. When I was out and about I would often shoot some photos as she always enjoyed receiving photos especially of our home, our park, and any interesting flower or tree. All of that is gone with her passing. All that is left is the memories and the values she passed on.
The cherry blossoms came early this year but I also miss the home which I lived in for about 20 years. Thankfully my parents home sold quickly last year and to a very wonderful family which will continue to enjoy that property as their kids age. When I was growing up we had a cherry tree in the back yard. It dominated the back as it was in the center of the lot. Every spring it had beautiful blossoms which I would see from my bedroom window. Later in the summer it was full of delicious though sour pie cherries. In between the tree would be our favorite to climb. When I was in high school a storm finally toppled the tree over and I respectfully removed the stump. Every cherry tree in Japan reminds me of that tree, that yard and that house.
Life is always changing and nothing is permanent, people or places. But God never changes and is with us as we suffer loss in our lives.