Hello from Tokyo Japan,
As we write you we are both well. We are finishing our packing, enjoying our farewell parties, emptying our house, and keeping an eye on this world health crisis. We anticipated lots of change with this transition but this health crisis is magnifying change.
Just a few quick comments because I am sure you have questions on your mind.
- Japan is doing better. As we wrote you before, Japan several weeks ago has initiated some emergency measures. It looks like the slowly growing number of Covid-19 cases may peak any day now. That is giving hope.
- Elaine and John are still on schedule to relocate from Japan on April 9th, about 3 weeks away. We do not anticipate problems either leaving Japan or arriving in Chicago.
- Our son, who was going to come help us, wisely has cancelled his trip to Japan.
- The village where we will live in Illinois has no cases of the virus yet, and the county has only one case, who is in self isolation. Everyone in our family is well but life for everyone (including yourself) is affected worldwide.
With all that said, we really need your help.
- As we deal with relocating and the virus, we can really use your prayer right now.
- Japan as it struggles can really use your prayer right now.
- Churches and church planning partners in Japan could use your prayer right now.
So we would like to schedule a few online “Share & Prayer” meetings next week with you, your church, or anyone who wants to participate.
These would be 50min to 1 hour (but you can come and go as you like). The online meeting would have updates from John and Elaine, questions from you, and a time of prayer for the above prayer items.
We would conduct two of these sessions you could join either or both. We can take up to 100 people, but more likely the group will be much smaller, maybe 10-25. If you are not in the Central TimeZone, please adjust your time accordingly.
March 27th, Friday, 7pm CDT
https://zoom.us/j/131199513?pwd=WUhBcXRVVWYrQmtia1R1VU9lU3Y4Zz09 Meeting ID: 131 199 513 Password: 647090
March 28th, Saturday, 5pm CDT https://zoom.us/j/920369646?pwd=ajhpZ2psa0lPaXYyTHJuRVJxcjE1dz09 Meeting ID: 920 369 646 Password: 765766
We will be meeting on Zoom video conferencing application. So you need an internet connection. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, you just click either the Friday or Saturday internet link and it will guide you to the meeting. If you don’t have zoom it will setup to install the software on your computer (Win or Mac) which only takes 5-10 minutes. We will be waiting for you.
Please write us if you have any questions at JMehn@gospelrest.com, otherwise we expect to see several of you online next week. If you cannot attend, you could pray for us and
for these special meetings.
Thanks for your partnership in the gospel and your concern for us.