Prayer March 2015


  1. Thank you for praying for the CPI Leadership Team retreat last month. God really met us personally and corporately with vision, deep prayer, and encouragement.
  2. The JEMA Plenary meeting and the Rengo meetings last week all went very well. Relationships for ministry are growing and encouraging.


  1. 3/11 is the fourth year after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Tokoku. During this time many have troubled feelings. Pray that the church would respond to this hopelessness.
  2. 3/14 CPI Gospel Seminar – Pray for Pastors Fukuda and Aoyagi as they lead training in this material in Japanese.
  3. 3/21 John will be the keynote speaker at the Japan Council of Philippine Churches “Bless Japan: prayer and worship concert. Pray for clarity and solid challenge for work in Japan.
  4. Our whole Converge Japan Team will meet for our Spring Field Council 24-26th. Please pray for the key decisions made there, our team fellowship together, and the Ellisons retirement party. Intercede for Elaine who is in charge of all local arrangements.
  5. Elaine has a very full month of outreach classes, mentoring, and meetings including KCS board meeting. Pray for strength and life balance.
  6. Pray for times of focused attention as John works on some major writing projects.

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