- Thank you for praying for the CPI Leadership Team retreat last month. God really met us personally and corporately with vision, deep prayer, and encouragement.
- The JEMA Plenary meeting and the Rengo meetings last week all went very well. Relationships for ministry are growing and encouraging.
- 3/11 is the fourth year after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Tokoku. During this time many have troubled feelings. Pray that the church would respond to this hopelessness.
- 3/14 CPI Gospel Seminar – Pray for Pastors Fukuda and Aoyagi as they lead training in this material in Japanese.
- 3/21 John will be the keynote speaker at the Japan Council of Philippine Churches “Bless Japan: prayer and worship concert. Pray for clarity and solid challenge for work in Japan.
- Our whole Converge Japan Team will meet for our Spring Field Council 24-26th. Please pray for the key decisions made there, our team fellowship together, and the Ellisons retirement party. Intercede for Elaine who is in charge of all local arrangements.
- Elaine has a very full month of outreach classes, mentoring, and meetings including KCS board meeting. Pray for strength and life balance.
- Pray for times of focused attention as John works on some major writing projects.