Some things you do plan, and others they just happen with God’s oversight. I arrived back in the US last Monday after two weeks gone and next Tuesday I am off again to Asia for another two weeks. Actually when I arrived, I went from 90-degree temperatures to – 5-degree with lots of snow. Lots of adjusting these days.
Someone asked us at our new home church “How was the trip?” I replied that it was “exceptionally successful.” Then they went on to ask, “What is a success?” I shared with them the people I encountered, the stories I heard, and the new opportunities that were discovered.
Last month’s trip to Japan meant John was able to meet with some key leaders, church planters, and pastors. One church planter had 98 people as an “experimental worship service” in December. Another leader shared how they are planting their 7th church as part of a 12 major city vision. Though God is doing great works in Japan we are reminded of the struggle, resistance, and difficulties these leaders face. Continue to pray for all leaders in Japan to grow in faith in God.
In Thailand, the entire Converge Asia team met including the Initiative Leaders and workers from the 4 initiatives Converge operates in 6 countries in Asia reaching Unreached People Groups. John was able to meet with most of the Japan Initiative team including some new members and catch up.
From our Asia Impact Team was just Cirilo Doguiles and me along with David J. who wears several hats. During that meeting we reviewed and approved our Strategy Document that you have been praying for. So many plans for good things coming up. Then I visited the Santisuk church in Bangkok with Asian and Converge leaders.

We had a meeting in Bangkok with some key leaders from another country where they were able to meet with several Converge leaders including Ivan Veldhuizen director of Converge International Ministries. We all had a great sense of opportunity for the gospel and for Kingdom ministry going forward. One significant discussion was the opportunities to reach many Unreached People Groups (UPGs) in the region with missionaries from their churches. If anything the meeting deepened our commitment to each other as we are committed to reaching the unreached.
Asian Chemistry – Recently Converge had someone interview John and write an article on his current ministry. You can read the article here