Speaking of need, my dear friend and CPI adviser Bruce Young who is a third generation missionary shared. “The events of the last week in Japan have been shocking! For years we have been praying that God would work in Japan in such a way that people would be shaken out of their lethargy and think about eternal values. We have seen God begin to answer these prayers through economic hardship and family and social collapse which has caused great emotional and psychological impact. On any given day in Japan, an average of 90-100 people commit suicide. Even as the tragic death toll from the earthquake and tsunami climbs past 10,000, this same number represents only a third of the number of people who die each year in Japan by taking their own lives! The traumatizing effect of the ongoing earthquakes, the huge tsunami and the threat of nuclear radiation exposure throughout northern Japan is a harsh wake up call to all Japanese. And now it is time for Japanese Christians and missionaries to respond to the enormous needs that have resulted from these events!”