Japan’s #1 Need is Hope

Christian Relief Assistance, Support and Hope (CRASH) are coordinating relief intelligence, advanced teams, volunteer training, and distribution of relief supplies. Using networks of local Japanese church contacts, CRASH Japan teams are getting aid to people and gathering valuable information for future teams. Assessment teams consisting of CRASH Japan and partnering international organizations have been able to see for themselves the challenge ahead for Japan. “It’s a logistical nightmare up there,” said Joe Wilkey, Executive Director of World Compassion Network (WCN) upon his return. “If I had all the money in the world laying on the table, I couldn’t get the gasoline for the people, it isn’t money.” Wilkey hailed the crucial role CRASH Japan plays in being the aorta of restoring northern Japan. Copied from http://crashjapan.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=87%3Apress-release-march-23-2011&catid=26%3Apress-releases&Itemid=4&lang=en. PRAY for the work of the CRASH assessment teams that many without hope would have it as vital relief supplies would arrive for those that are desperate for them.

Heard from a relief supply collection point in Nagoya today. The want-list for needy supplies changes constantly. Some places are no longer collecting certain items. In Nagoya today they were collecting fresh fruits and vegetables. Tomorrow they plan to send one truck to the affected areas. This truck will go to a school where 500 people are staying. PRAY that the right supplies would get to the right people at the right time. PRAY that many more such targeted relief deliveries would be raised up in the next week.

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