Updates from Japan – Japan has now opened to allow some missionaries to return to Japan. We know many missionaries that have “been stuck” waiting to return. We heard that churches are doing well practicing good health procedures (only one small church had any cases of Covid). Covid rates are now spiking again in Tokyo. Pray for churches to continue to share Christ in this environment.

Teaming for Impact
1. The Japan Church Multiplication Vision Festa will be held October 13-15 online. This time we are combining it with Finish the Task (FTT) a global movement. Pray for the preparations for the Japanese presenters and promotion of this event.
2. John has been meeting for several months online with the Converge Asia Impact Team doing team building, training, preparing, and praying. Our team members have contacts in most Asian countries.
Global Connections – So much is going on it seems we cannot keep up with it some weeks. We are online multiple times each week with many networks in Japan and in Asia. John is connected with so many people in a growing number of Asian countries. While not meeting in person at conferences or meetings, we are refreshed knowing that we are not limited by personal visits but can connect in other ways. John took part in the ordination council for a Burmese pastor in Rockford, Pastor Thang Kee. It is disappointing that the planned trip to Japan and Asia in October had to be postponed due to Covid. We are now looking at visiting Japan and Asia early next year. CPI’s Japanese Grace Week will be held online in October. Our entire Converge Asia workers are meeting online Oct 11-14. Pray as we plan and strategize to reach this strategic part of our globe. Fall looks like it will be even busier with networking and connecting.