How’s Your Support?

Last week I had someone ask about our financial situation. I thought more of you would like the facts. We have ended the last two years over 100% of our needed financial support. But due to the overall global economy and the declining dollar against the yen this year will be the most challenging. When we came to Japan the dollar was 200 yen, now it is 75, an all time low. This means gasoline (reg) is $7 a gal and milk is $7.50 a gal. Our personal support is behind about $900 per month. We could really use any increase to continue the work of equipping church planters and meeting practical needs through disaster relief. Consider a one-time gift or maybe regular giving throughout the year.

To give to our ministry see the Converge Worldwide website Just click donation.

In addition, we have some projects we are raising money for. Church Planting Summits for the church planters in the Rengo. Funds for further development in CPI training and support for church planters. Please contact us directly about this.

Some of you may be unable to give financially but there is something very important you can do. Pray that God would supply these financial needs and that His Kingdom would be advanced.

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