We continue to be safe and well amidst the global pandemic. We are so grateful to God for his wisdom and protection of our Team in Isolation, our QuaranTEAM which has protected us, and others involved in 2 open school districts, and one major grocery store. Now that our family has been vaccinated, we continue to cautiously plan minimal travel. Last month John had a road trip to Ohio and this month there are a few one-on-one visits planned.

The first gathering of our Asia Impact Team last month was positive, productive, and very personal as many of us met each other for the first time. We talked about many matters and had training in coaching coordinated by John. David Jahnke, Asia director for Converge joined us for the retreat. One of the most productive parts was making a list of the contacts we have throughout 18 countries in Asia. The final list was five pages long! We cannot wait until travel restrictions are lifted so we can meet these leaders face to face.
Our team was privileged to meet the entire pastoral staff at Old North for lunch (see below). We also set up a meeting with a mission representative from the MidAtlantic district, but they had to cancel due to possible Covid exposure (turned out everything was fine).
As a result of the retreat, our team is working on 1) praying for Asia and 2) planning for Asia as we meet twice a month. John is coordinating the “planning” meetings. We are making plans holding lightly in our hands due to Covid issues and the lack of a team leader. Continue to pray for Converge’s Asia Impact Team as leadership is searching for a new team leader.