God’s Movements

“Other Japanese leaders should hear these stories of God’s movements through church multiplication.” For each session of the Global Summit one national leader shared how God is multiplying disciples and churches through movements extending beyond 3 or 4 generations of disciples. These movements were from regions all over the world. Pastor Nobuyoshi Nagai, from Vision Festa, and I were those sent from Japan last month to this summit in Thailand and have been longing for God to start multiple movements of disciple making in Japan. Why has it not yet happened in Japan? We came away with a renewed vision for prayer for Japan and a desire to foster movements in Japan.

For the first time, 5 networking organizations that joined together: Global Church Planting Network (GCPN), Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX), 24:14, Vision 5:9 and Ethne. There were 160 leaders from all over the globe most of them involved in movements in their regions. The goal is to have every Unreached People Group (UPG) engaged by 2025.

During the summit we met in our respective regional teams. Our East Asia team was comprised of leaders from Mongolia, S. Korea, Japan, and other countries. We brainstormed about cooperation and set goals for praying, meeting together, resourcing each other. The team is planning training in Disciple Making Movements (DMM) in Korea in October and a retreat for our regional leaders to encourage each other.

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