Thoughts Along the Way ©
Glass of Radioactive Water
Elaine Mehn
With the 9.0 earthquake that hit northeastern Japan which was followed by an incredibly destructive tsunami which was followed by problems at the Fukushima Number 1 nuclear power plant, we have the potential of having higher than normal radioactivity in our water. Some parts of Tokyo have reached levels that are not safe for babies and small children while other parts of Tokyo are still safe. The scariest part is not that the water may have some radiation but that you can’t tell by simply looking. The government says it is drinkable and it will not hurt you but not to drink it anyway. Fortunately, we had filled large water canisters with water immediately after the earthquake so we have a supply of safe drinkable water which we plan to drink.
Just as I can’t tell if my drinking water is safe or not, in life I don’t always recognize the radioactive sins, thoughts, feelings, motivations, or heart attitudes that fill my heart and mind. Pretending there is no problem not only does not make it go away but allows it to continue to do damage. The first step in getting pure drinking water in a glass is to realize that the water is not pure. The same is true of our hearts – the first step is to recognize that what God calls sin is indeed sin and that it is living in me.
But simply recognizing sin or confessing sin is not enough. Saying that the water is radioactive doesn’t do me any good if I go ahead and drink it. Confessing sin in my heart does not do much good if I continue to hold on to it. I need to get rid of the contaminated water and I need to get rid of my sin through repentance. I also allow God’s Holy Spirit to show me those things that draw me back to the sin. Repentance is to be a natural response of God’s children but it requires a humble heart before God and a trust that I won’t be left empty. This is often my greatest fear; if I let go of those sins that I rely on for comfort, strength or a sense of who I am, will there be anything left? How will I go on?
Repentance gives me an empty glass (heart) but I also need to fill that glass (my heart) with a fresh clean faith. This is the water of faith in Christ. I can have the old radioactive sins cleaned out and be filled with the purity of Jesus. I don’t need to fear being left empty and alone. God’s Spirit is always here to bring the comfort I need and to provide the strength I require. My sense of who I am is firmly established in Christ through faith in Him. Repentance and faith always go together.
Prayer: Father, so often I don’t recognize my own sin or even my desire to hang onto my sins. Instead of looking to You for satisfaction, peace, comfort, strength and all my daily needs, I look to my own strength or the comfort that comes from other people or things. Please take away my desire for sin and replace it with an ever growing desire for You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
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