Let me introduce one of our friends. Pastor Kee Thang is the pastor of the Myanmar congregation of Crosspoint Church in Rockford, IL. John took part in his ordination council last fall and last weekend his congregation celebrated their 10th anniversary! Pastor Kee assists other Myanmar congregations in Milwaukee Wisconsin and Wheaton and Moline Illinois. He also assists many Myanmar pastors with online training. Please pray for him and his congregation as they seek to present Christ to so many who have fled Myanmar due to political unrest.

Our vision of the Converge Asia Impact Team is to work with leaders like Pastor Kee who are evangelizing least-reached people like the people of Myanmar. We are also desirous of collaborating with Chinese, Hmong, and Japanese and other least-reached peoples in the US who still have connections in their places of origin. If you have connections or just concern for Asians in your area, we welcome you to contact us. Pray the vision to evangelize all least-reached people groups throughout Asia will be fulfilled with the Asia Impact Team.