Fall Influence Sep-Oct 18


The weather has turned to fall which is a great relief as the end of summer was hard with both the heat and many uncompleted projects. Fall will bring more seminars and training events. We hope these will bring greater influence of the Great Commission. We feel maybe still young enough to accomplish all this. I guess we are really a kind of a new “thirty-something” 39 years married, almost 33 years working in Japan. We press on.


Thanks for praying for our financial support shortfalls. We have been encouraged by people increasing their regular support and others with special gifts. Though there is a lot of encouragement, we still are a bit short each month. Please continue to pray for this need and whatever you can give now – or maybe before the end of the year – would be appreciated.

  • Personal Support: These funds support our basic living and ministry costs. The online giving link is:converge.org/give/49651
  • Japan CPI Fund: These funds support special projects to support church planting mobilization and training. Japan CPI fund at Converge is # 31256. Please let us know if you need help.

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