Our key role in Japan is to equip and develop leaders and workers for the harvest. That is accomplished through personal coaching and mentoring and training in seminars. CPI frequently has equipping events for both Japanese and missionary.
Last month John preached once and gave three presentations on church planting to about 40 at the WEC International Mission annual gathering near Kyoto May 3-4. WEC is an historic mission originally the Worldwide Evangelization for Christ started by that famous Africa missionary and mission mobilizer C.T. Studd. This mission is very international with workers from the UK, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US. Like our Converge Japan mission, WEC mission is a member of the Japan Evangelical Missionary Association (JEMA). So in a way we are kind of like family. God has built quite a cooperation with the 50+ member missions of JEMA. WEC has a similar vision to “see vibrant, indigenous and reproducing churches flourishing in Japan.” So John really enjoyed this environment.