1. Elaine’s Bible study for women has many deep discussions such as the difference between being a sinner and a criminal. One re-Christian member keeps inviting new ones to join. Pray for all of them as they learn more about the wonders of Christ.
2. Thank you for praying through important meetings with the Rengo and our Japan mission in November. Everything proceeded well along with good personal interactions.
3. On December 11, we have our final Christmas pre-evangelism event. Four couples, many who attend our Bible Studies, will gather with us for a Christmas Dinner Party. Pray for the discussions to be deep spiritual ones.
4. We will be on vacation in the US over the Christmas holidays. Pray for rest and great times with family. Of course, we are expecting a granddaughter due on the 21st. Pray for Beth and the birth, Dustin, as well as the rest of us as we adjust our lives to this new addition. Elaine has a very busy schedule before we leave. Lift her up before the throne.