CPI Gospel Renewal Training Month canceled due to the earthquake. On March 11th at 2:26pm Stu and Ruth Ann Batstones, our speakers for the month, were inbound to land at Narita airport at about 5pm. After the earthquake Narita airport was closed so they were diverted to Yokota airbase, an emergency landing field. At the time of the earthquake John was on the road to rendezvous with them at the airport. When the expressways were all closed down and he heard that Narita airport was closed, he gave up and spent the next 4 hours trying to get home. After a six hour one way journey to the airport on Saturday, we picked up the Batstones and brought them to our house. We were hoping that we could continue with our plans. They headed off to Nagoya for Sunday and Monday as planned. Then we heard about the power blackouts and the public transportation disruption. John was forced to cancel everything and have the Batstones return home. They ended up doing some training in Nagoya, working with sending relief supplies, and left from Nagoya airport on Friday.

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