CPI Grace Week

Grace Week has been an amazing tool that God has used to help me see my deceptive heart more, my tendency to rely on myself, my lack of living at the feet of Christ.” 

Thanks for praying for Grace Week in Tokyo and Nagoya. Grace Week was the most intensive training we have ever done in CPI, one week of presentations, small groups, and one-on-one with a spiritual mentor. We ended up with over 40 participants in both locations. God blessed in many ways. So many came away having God speak to them very clearly and helped them grow in their love of Christ and His Kingdom. Challenges came regarding faith, our sin, forgiving others, the work of Christ on the cross,  repentance, loving relationships, confrontation, and rejoicing in being a child of God.  Elaine and I were very touched by God through our times at Grace Week. We are still working on agenda God gave us. It really helped us grow in Christ and strengthened our relationship. Thanks for praying.

Grace Week is a result of a growing partnership with Serge, another mission organization, that focuses on both church planting and gospel renewal. We were so blessed to have a team of nine mentors come and lead the training and do one-on-one spiritual mentoring of the participants. Along with the team was the Director of Mission, Josiah Bancroft and the Director of Renewal, Patric Knaak. Both have been to Japan several times to work with CPI.  We posted a video on YouTube (https://youtu.be/rFo5b2CUloc) that maybe an encouragement. Sorry the sound did not come out perfectly.

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