Thank you so much for praying for last month’s CPI National Conference.  A participant said, “The CPI National Conference at Fuji Hakone last week was truly a big blessing. It brought spiritual renewal, vision, fellowship, ministry training, among other things, to the participants” In spite of the economy and other factors about 300 adults and 85 children gathered this year to enlarge their Kingdom Vision for church multiplication and experience Gospel Renewal.  Thank God that in a recession year we still made money.  This conference was the youngest group ever with the average age in late 20s early 30s.  There were many new people and especially the latest batch of new missionaries to Japan.

The theme was transformation and God worked many changes in the lives of participants.  We have both heard from many people while in tears how God had impacted their life.  One testimony from a participant: “The theme of the conference was “Transformation” and a key point that was made was sharing Jesus with others out of our own DAILY need, not just sharing him with others out of THEIR need. We were challenged to keep our testimony current and share how God loves and forgives us each day.  While this is basic, it was what I needed to hear.  I tend to focus more on THEIR need of Christ more than on MY need of him each day.”  One seminary head mentioned that his entire seminary body which attended was going home changed.

There was probably the best hands-on training offered in evangelism, small groups, spiritual formation and renewal, vision, prayer, philosophy of ministry, and Japanese worldview.  On almost all evaluation forms, participants indicated that they had specific areas of change in their ministry.     This year CPI has celebrated its 15th year and has trained over 2,200 leaders and workers in church planting.  Plans are underway to take CPI to the next level and do even more to equip workers for church planting multiplication.  Keep praying!

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