Hello. How are you doing? We are well and safe. We recently had some vacation and are enjoying our new home in Pecatonica, IL. The days are full. Along with adjusting to new life in the US, we continue ministry with people in the midst of Covid. This has led us to many creative approaches. Let us know how we can connect with you.
DRIVE-IN CHURCH – In our search for a new home church, we attended a church nearby that has a drive-in service. The worship team and message comes from a “stage” near the building entrance and people park in their cars or tailgate and participate from their windows or FM radio.
IN PERSON – Our part of Illinois has been doing pretty well. So last week Elaine and John went and preached at two services at the CrossPoint church in Ingleside, IL. They are applying protocols for worship to address the Covid problem. It was great to be worshiping again with God’s people.

- We also are open to live streaming with your church on Sunday or meet online with you personally, your pastor, church staff, missions team, or a small group. Just let us know.
- Over the last several weeks Elaine continues with meetings with Japanese online. John has been meeting people all over the globe including Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, and Thailand. In one series of meetings John was with over 1000 people in 180 countries in 8 languages as part of Global Church Movements! Much encouraging, praying, and planning is going on.