Continuing Our Adjustment to the US
- We are safe and well as is everyone we know. We hope you are doing well. Two months ago we relocated to the US and we are in the midst of adjusting during this transition. One book defines transition as “a phase which events and environment alter our roles, relationships, routines and assumptions.” Well in our case, YES to each and everyone. We are experiencing lots of alterations.
- Covid-19 in Illinois has gone from Phase 2 to Phase 3 in early June to maybe Phase 4 at the end of the month. Things are opening up. In our immediate area the number of cases has slightly increased but we continue to follow experts’ guidelines. Tim is doing very well in the front-line essential business at the grocery store.
- Our home sweet home will soon get a new roof as the insurance company will pay for the hail damage. And as Illinois is opening up we will start our basement remodel next week, which means more chaos for the next 6 weeks or so. John keeps settling into his new office. All of his books are now in one place!
- Several have asked about our financial support situation. We are glad to tell you that we are fully supported and if everyone continues their patterns of giving we are in good shape. Thank you so much and keep it up! (Those wanting to give to our ministry see this webpage.
On the Road Again Mehn US Tour
- In the last several weeks we have visited several churches via the internet. Several sermons and updates have been recorded and one sermon we live streamed from our living room to a church in Denver. We have also conducted some interviews and updates for churches. Our US Tour continues:

- We are very open to connecting with you personally or your church including recorded sermons or updates. Did you see our update last month? You can access the shorter video here.
- We also are open to live streaming on Sunday or meet online with you personally, your pastor, church staff, missions team, or a small group. Just let us know.
- As regions are opening up, we are beginning to consider visiting churches. From late July we can visit our ministry partners by car.
- We are planning to visit supporters in Cincinnati in mid-August.
Ministry Update Japan
Reports on Covid-19 in Japan are all very positive as numbers of cases are very low. There is much encouraging news in talking with church planters and pastors online through the movement meeting, Vision Festa and others. Churches are seeing great growth in small groups. One church reported an over 200% increase in small group partipation! Worship attendance is also up across the board. As Japan opens up after the crisis, we hope churches will keep their online communities as they begin meeting in person for Sunday worship. These are days of opportunity in the wake of this crisis.
Ministering Globally
Lately you may have caught us both connecting from our home with different people in Japan, sometimes even at the same time. Elaine continues her mentoring of several women and John continues mentoring and coaching leaders in Japan and in Asia. John’s Reaching Japanese for Christ (RJC) class on his book Sowing the Gospel in Japanese Soil ended this week with students from many regions. We are planning to repeat the course this fall. Ff there is enough interest, there is a possible class on John’s other book Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil.