Has the pandemic got you down? Normally you would think to simply wait out the pandemic and then REALLY START new ministry when it was over. Well God has not called us to that but to be as proactive and engaged as we can despite Covid restrictions. We have been praying, preparing, and expecting and God has been working in very amazing ways and actually sending us global contacts during the pandemic.
The process took months but after first contacting Converge and after interviews and discussions our Converge Asia Impact Team (AIT) has entered a formal agreement with the Tangkhul Naga Baptist Convention. This is a Baptist association in the northeast Indian state of Manipur that is largely Christian, but they have a large vision to reach their part of Asia and are sending missionaries to at least five countries with UPGs where our AIT does not yet have connections. For the Glory of God, they like us want our AIT team to develop healthy ministries to the Unreached People Groups in their area, region, and other countries.
Will you join with me in prayer for God’s blessing on this new relationship with Tangkhul Naga Baptist Convention and the Converge Asia Impact Team? They have already met with some of our Converge partners in northeast India. We hope that some from our team will be able to visit sometime early next year and meet them all in person. Another relationship has also developed in a heavily Muslim area to provide practical training for church planters. Continue to pray that we would be faithful to these new and growing global connections in Asia.