The mission of the church is from everywhere to everywhere. While we are in Japan our partnering churches continue to do mission right where they are evangelizing, discipling, and developing leaders. They are also touching their communities in deed by identifying and engaging real and felt needs. Many do this with people of other cultures. We are very proud of each of our partnering churches because their mission commitment is not just “pray and pay” for world missionaries to do mission. They reach across the street and around the world. Several highlights have been:
- One church that dozens of people every year sign up for three days of mission in their community helping their neighbors in practical ways like painting, organizing, and yardwork.
- A group of churches in one region engage the needy through helping the schools, police, homeless, those needing recovery or finding work and just many practical ways.
- One church ties up with several churches in their area and partners with a Christian relief organization to assist recently arrived refugees.