We love Christmas. And when we lived in Japan, we loved Christmas as a great time to share the good news of the Savior Jesus with Japanese. The majority of Japanese have no understanding of Christmas, and they were very interested in hearing. In fact, most of Asia does not know about Christ or the reason for Christmas. Asia is where a small percentage of people are followers of Jesus. Many have not heard of Jesus, his triumphal deliverance, and his powerful transformation for them and their societies. So at this time of celebrating Jesus and the end of 2023 we want to express our heartfelt appreciation for your interest, prayers, finances, and encouragements as we continue to influence the continent of Asia for gospel movements. We are challenged and encouraged what God is and will do in and through us. We both look forward to celebrating Christmas with our families and starting the new year with renewed vision and passion to reach the unreached billions in Asia. Merry Christmas to you!