Chapman Team Arrives in Sendai

Here is an update from Converge Worldwide Missionary Jeff Chapman. We are migrating Converge Worldwide related prayer items to our new google groups site. Please sign up to receive these updates.

Fri 10:43AM (JST) Just got off the phone with Jeff Chapman who with another driver, Hiro, has just arrived in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. He just reported that the main expressways were closed due to last night’s record 7.4 aftershock (we also just heard that two people were killed due to the quake). Other roads are closed and the power is out in places meaning there are no traffic lights. He even drove over a bridge that was noticeably damaged. Cell phone coverage is also out. He heard the city seemed back to near normal yesterday but now has taken a few steps backward due to the quake. They are trying to make it to the Sendai CRASH center where they hope to meet up with the rest of their team. PRAY that they connect with their team. Hidaka san from Jeff’s church is also with the team. ASK GOD that they find the most needy people to share their limited relief supplies. PRAY too that there would be no more aftershocks.

Jeff also asks for prayer that he may make contact with a Christian family in Kessenuma (where he was last trip). Jeff has mutual friends who know this family’s daughter, who is a Wycliffe missionary in Southeast Asia. The parents lost their home in the tsunami along with their Sunday meeting place for worship. PRAY that Jeff would make contact with them and be an encouragement to them.

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